Go Green!

The Greene Realty Group team strongly believes in reducing our carbon footprint and that every act of going green, no matter how big or small, makes a difference. It is for this reason we offer the following list of 101 small ways you too can make an impact on our environment by going green.
Go Green!


At Work

  1. Turn lights off when you leave a room for more than a few minutes
  2. Set your computer to go to sleep, not just to a screen saver, for short periods of inactivity
  3.  Turn your computer off when you leave for the day
  4. Take the stairs instead of the elevator
  5. Use a manual pencil sharpener
  6. Learn what can and cannot be recycled
  7. Print both sides of paper or use the back side of scrap paper
  8. E-mail co-workers instead of printing and distributing information
  9. Ask to be removed from mailing lists for unwanted newsletters, catalogs, etc.
  10. Donate or properly recycle old electronic equipment
  11. Recycle toner and ink cartridges
  12. Drink filtered water instead of bottled water
  13. Keep reusable dishes, silverware and mugs at the office
  14. Carry your lunch in a reusable lunch bag
  15. Decorate your work area with plants to absorb indoor pollution
  16. Bring organic food to company potlucks, picnics and parties

Using Vehicles

  1. Use public transportation when possible while traveling for business
  2.  Telecommute if you can
  3.  Carpool to work
  4. Properly inflate your tires
  5. Increase your speed slowly when driving, this uses less gas
  6. When driving 40 mph or less, roll down the windows rather than using the air conditioner
  7. Park your vehicle and go inside restaurants instead of using the drive through
  8. If you’re stopping your vehicle for more than 30 seconds, turn it off
  9. Call stores to see if they have what you want before driving there
  10. Complete several errands during a single trip
  11. Choose a more fuel-efficient vehicle the next time you purchase, lease or rent one
  12. Bike or walk to places instead of driving
  13. Use public transportation instead of a car
  14. Keep your vehicles tuned-up

At Home – HVAC

  1. Close curtains to keep out the hot summer sun
  2. Open curtains to let in the warm winter sun
  3. Seal any air leaks around windows and doors
  4. Set the thermostat a little lower in the winter and higher in the summer
  5. Close heating and cooling vents in unused rooms
  6. Put on sweaters instead of turning up the heat
  7. Clean air filters on your furnace and air conditioners
  8. Close the damper when the fireplace isn’t being used
  9. Set your water heater to 120 degrees F
  10. Set your refrigerator to 40 degrees F

At Home – Appliances

  1. Turn off the TV if you’re not watching it, or the radio/stereo if not listening to it
  2. Replace burnt-out light bulbs with compact fluorescent light bulbs
  3. If you need a new appliance, choose “Energy Star” rated
  4. Wash clothes in cold water
  5. Clean off the lint screen on your clothes dryer after every use
  6. Turn off electronics at the power strip, not just the power button
  7. Put lids on pots to heat food more quickly
  8. Hang clothes out to dry
  9. Take advantage of natural light from windows whenever possible
  10. Air dry dishes in your dishwasher instead of using the dry cycle
  11. Completely fill the dishwasher before running it
  12. Decide what you want before you open the refrigerator door
  13. Avoid pre-rinsing dishes headed for the dishwasher
  14. Wash only full loads of clothes
  15. If you use batteries, buy the rechargeable kind

At Home – Water

  1. Install low-flow showerheads
  2. Turn off the water while brushing your teeth
  3. Drink from a reusable glass instead of a disposable cup
  4. Carry a travel mug; use it instead of paper cups at stores, coffee shops, convenience stores and restaurants
  5. Wash plastic tableware and use it again
  6. Rinse and reuse glass jars and containers

At Home – Solid and Food Waste

  1. Store leftover food in reusable containers not in plastic wrap or foil
  2. Create and maintain a compost pile
  3. Find a FreecycleTM group to trade things you no longer want for things you do want
  4. Buy nontoxic household cleaners
  5. Use sponges and rags instead of paper towels
  6. Carefully unwrap gifts and reuse the paper
  7. Stop newspaper delivery while on vacation
  8. Invest in cloth napkins
  9. Wrap gifts in the Sunday comics
  10. Take old paint cans and batteries to your town’s hazardous waste center. Whole Foods offers recycling of batteries, plastic bags, wine corks, cell phones, etc)
  11. Take yourself off junk mail lists

At Home – Purchasing

  1. Buy products in packages that can be recycled
  2. Look for items made from recycled materials
  3. Buy products in bulk
  4. Mend and repair clothes, equipment and toys rather than buying new ones
  5. Choose the most durable products
  6. Avoid items made from rainforest trees
  7. Pick products that have little or no packaging
  8. Shop at second hand stores
  9. Get your produce from your local farmer’s market
  10. Choose organic food whenever possible
  11. Donate unwanted items to charity thrift stores
  12. Bring reusable shopping bags on trips to the store
  13. Don’t get a bag if buying 1 or 2 items
  14. If you purchase diapers, choose cloth instead of disposable

At Home – Yard Care

  1. Plant trees in your yard
  2. Use a push mower to trim the lawn
  3. Clear off the sidewalk and driveway with a broom instead of a blower
  4. Use a shovel to remove snow accumulations
  5. Pull weeds instead of using chemicals
  6. Take care to water only your lawn, not the sidewalk and street
  7. Do not disturb wild plants or animals
  8. Build a birdhouse to attract bug-eating birds
  9. Landscape with native plants
  10. Water outside early in the morning
  11. Immediately repair broken landscaping irrigation

At Home – Other

  1. Educate yourself about global warming
  2. Write a letter to the local newspaper asking people to go green
  3. Urge elected officials to take action
  4. Thank others for doing their part in going green


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